© 2020 Indulgence Skin Laser & Beauty Clinic. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy.
Summer is here and our thoughts turn to getting beach body ready so we can, without shame, show off our hairless bodies.
Surely by now you must be fed up of continuously shaving your bits and pieces or screaming with pain as you .. or A N Other .. pull off a wax or sugaring strip from your very sensitive bits and pieces?
If you haven’t thought about it already, may we take this opportunity to entice you to try our very effective CPL laser hair removal treatment so you can kick start your journey to the hairless, easy to maintain, body you desire?
We use an advanced and clinically tested CPL (Controlled Pulsed Light) laser device. With its exceptional pulse control and unique double frequency technology, is the gold standard for non-surgical aesthetic laser procedures such as onychomycosis, acne and vascular treatments, permanent hair reduction, skin rejuvenation and more.
Only trained clinicians can use this machine – ask us to show you our credentials. Skin Types & Tones Despite popular beliefs due to the advanced technology in our CPL device we can treat all skin types and tones.
I bet your thinking “You have it lucky ladies … imagine shaving every day and being mocked for a chewbacca hairy chest and back!!” Fear not, we have many male clients and have a wealth of testimonials of successful hair reduction / removal stories.
We are well known among MTF Transgender patients for our effective hair reduction/removal treatment and provide packages to enhance the transition journey.
Of course we provide a very confidential service and are respectful of the emotional rollercoaster experienced by our valued MTF Transgender clients.
You may be aware of some horror stories relating to hair removal so here is a reminder of things you must check before you choose your clinic:
Click here to view our monthly special hair removal offers.
© 2020 Indulgence Skin Laser & Beauty Clinic. All rights reserved. Privacy Policy.