Winter skin Banbury, Winter skin Buckinghamshire, Winter skin Daventry, Winter skin Leamington Spa, Winter skin Leicestershire, Winter skin Milton Keynes, Winter skin Northampton, Winter skin Northamptonshire, Winter skin Rugby, Winter skin Towcester, Winter skin Warwickshire

The harsh cold outside and the heating on blast once you are available to find cover means less humidity in the air and often dry cracked skin can rear its ugly head as a result. Luckily we have some top tips to keep your skin glowing this winter even if the weather outside is anything but.



Summer body laser hair removal indulgence skin, laser, and beauty clinic

hairless bodies by indulgence skin, laser, and beauty clinic northamptonshire, Buckinghamshire, Warwickshire

Summer is here and our thoughts turn to getting beach body ready so we can, without shame, show off our hairless bodies.



skin cancer awareness month may 21 indulgence blog

May 2021 is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month and we are Indulgence laser, skin and beauty clinic are playing our part by sharing how you can spot early signs of melanoma.

SKIN_CANCER_AWARENESS_MONTH_May_2021 indulgence beauty skin, laser, beauty clinic daventry, rugby, Milton Keynes, Warwickshire, Buckinghamshire, northamptonshire

May 2021 is National Skin Cancer Awareness Month and we are Indulgence laser, skin and beauty clinic are playing our part by sharing how you can spot early signs of melanoma.

Did you know:

Melanoma is the 5th most common cancer in the UK, and although it is more common in older people, it is relatively common in younger people. In 2015 about 16,000 people in the UK were diagnosed with melanoma, and within the last decade this number has increased by almost 50%. Over 2,500 of these people will develop advanced disease.

Treatment of Advanced Melanoma has recently been transformed by introducing immunotherapies and targeted inhibitors in the treatment of patients who are not cured by surgery


Learn how you can detect early signs of melanoma using the A – E rules when checking moles blemishes.

Play your part

Stay safe from UV rays in and outdoors by wearing SPF. We recommend Alumier’s SPF range.

Use our clinic code 3CF4150B to purchase your product online or contact us and we’ll send one out to you.


May 2021 is National Teen Self Esteem Month. The intention is to raise awareness of the importance of ensuring teens are self aware and feel confident about themselves.

Teenage self esteem month may 2021 indulgence beauty skin, laser, beauty clinic daventry, rugby, Milton Keynes, Warwickshire, Buckinghamshire, northamptonshire

May 2021 is National Teen Self Esteem Month and we give full focus on helping our teens feel good about themselves.

Most of us have suffered with self-esteem issues at some point in our lives. The teenage years are especially difficult for many young people. On top of the physical, hormonal, and emotional changes, teens also have the added stress of starting new relationships, extreme educational expectations, and unprecedented societal pressure driven by social media and the like.

As, May 2021 is Teenage Self Esteem awareness month we thought we’d share some examples of how we can all step up and play our part:

    1. Get physical – Take a walk and talk
    2. Be available to listen and leave judgement at the door
    3. Lead by example – talk positively about yourself and others
    4. Show that you are a trustworthy confidant
    5. Teach them how to receive compliments
    6. Encourage small challenges / develop hobbies
    7. Be a good mentor – share hints & tips, and sign posts to help

For more help Click here

Indulgence Laser, Skin & Beauty Clinic – Playing Our Part

We have helped many teenagers overcome their hormonal and stress skin challenges.

Here are just a few of the common conditions we can treat:

Please sign post a teenage with any of the above issues to us for a free, no obligation, consultation.

MASCED Certification

MASCED Certification Indulgence skin and laser clinic

Clinical Director, Tracy Shepherd-Regan, shares why she studied the MASCED (Melanoma And Skin Cancer Early Detection) SKCIN Certificate.


COVID-19 Updates

Indulgence Skin Laser & Beauty Clinic serving Buckinghamshire, Daventry, Leamington Spa, Leicestershire, Milton Keynes, Northampton, Northamptonshire, Rugby, Towcester, Warwickshire area

Following the latest government guidelines, our clinics remain open until closing time on Wednesday 4th November. Good News! You can reschedule your appointment, book a free online consultation or future appointment, and even order products plus receive discounts for treatment packages.


What is medigrade skincare and why is UV protection important?

If you want healthy, glowing, younger looking skin then this short video is for you. Tracy explains how you can treat your skin at home to improve your skin health and function and beat those wrinkles.


How to use your NEWA device at home

In this video Tracy explains how to use the NEWA radio-frequency device to increase collagen, reduce wrinkles and change your skin for good. This device is for home use treatments and takes only 25 minutes to do the full treatment. It is based on CLINICALLY trialled and proven technology, which comes with a 30 day money back guarantee.



Menopause skin Banbury, Menopause skin Buckinghamshire, Menopause skin Daventry, Menopause skin Leamington Spa, Menopause skin Leicestershire, Menopause skin Milton Keynes, Menopause skin Northampton, Menopause skin Northamptonshire, Menopause skin Rugby, Menopause skin Towcester, Menopause skin Warwickshire

The ageing process starts when women are in their 20’s, maturity is reached around the mid-twenties, then a steady decline occurs and is accelerated during the menopause. The menopause officially begins one year after a woman’s last period. As hormonal levels plummet many unwelcomed changes occur. Since we specialise in skin care and hair removal these are the areas of focus in this blog post.



Emepelle* featuring MEP Technology*, is a breakthrough for skin affected by menopause.
